Thursday, August 26, 2010

Having Fun in Math Class!!

This week in Mrs. Norman's math class, we have been reviewing multiplication facts! We have done well, but practice is always needed! We have enjoyed using flashcards, especially when we get to play the game, Around the World! We love it! On Thursday, Mrs. Norman did a fun activity with fraction circles. We had fun using them, and we tried to see how many "wholes" we could create using different fraction pieces!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beginning of School!

We have been learning so much and working so hard in 4th grade! Here are some pictures from our first couple days of school! So far, it has been a great start to a great year!

 Coach Clark works us hard in P.E.!!

 Mrs. Roberts' Classroom Door
 Mrs. Norman's Classroom Door

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Welcome to 4th Grade!!

Welcome to PDS 4th grade! We are so excited about this school year!  We are looking forward to learning new things together! This blog will serve as a great tool in sharing what wonderful things we will be doing this year! Please visit it often to view pictures and to read about upcoming events. -Ms. Roberts & Mrs. Norman

PDS Website

Here is the link to our school website!