Thursday, November 18, 2010

It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving time is already here! It seems like this year is going by so fast! We have had a great week! Students received information on Tuesday about the National Parks Project. By now, your child has been assigned to a park to research. You will find information about the project under our Projects tab. Science Fair information can be also found there.
    We hope that you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving! Have a fun and safe week, and we will see you back here on November 29th.
Here are some highlights from our week!

~ Mrs. Norman & Ms. Roberts

Making pottery in Art Class!

Examining Oobleck in Science Lab!

Learning Spanish with Senora McKnight!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

We have had a busy week in 4th grade! We have been learning things about the Industrial Revolution, immigration, all the way to the Periodic Table, Elements, Neutrons and Protons! Whew! Our 4th graders sure are learning allot! We also have been enjoying Book Fair week this week! It is so wonderful to see the kids excited about reading! Grandparents day is November 11th. If a grandparent is coming to the Book Fair, they may have lunch with their grandchild, however, grandparents must bring their own lunch. We will not be doing any charges for lunch that day for the grandparents. After lunch, they may go with their grandchild to the Book Fair to purchase books.Thank you so much for your participation in our Book Fair!

Our bible verse section has been updated, as well as our Project section. The Project section contains information about our upcoming Science Fair. Information about the Science Fair was sent home on Tuesday, however, the information that was sent can be viewed from our Blog. Just go to the "Projects" tab, and you will be able to view the document.

I hope you and your family are having a blessed week! Here are some highlights from our week! Enjoy!

~ Mrs. Norman & Ms. Roberts

Here we are in Music class learning how to play handbells!

Science Lab with Mrs. Whalen! Here we are making an element out of clay!