Monday, December 5, 2011

December 5th

Dear Parents,

     We are going to have a school wide practice for the Christmas program right after chapel that will last unit 10:15.  With that in mind I have decided to have the spelling lesson 16 test on Thursday on only the words.  No definitions or dictation test.

     We will still have the social studies chapter 6 open book test.  We will begin the test on Thursday in class and finish on Friday.  I have told the class what the test is and that they may start finding where the answers are in the book.  The students will be given a test paper to write the answers on Thursday in class.  But you may help them practice writing answers in sentence form at home.  The more they practice the better they will get.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Landform Landscapes

The fourth grade class has been working on a mural for social studies of the different types of land forms.  They completed  the project this week and it is now displayed in the hallway outside our room.  The students did a wonderful job.

We had a awesome time at the Body Walk on Thursday.  We walked through the brain, mouth, stomach, small intestine, heart, lungs, muscles, bones and skin.  There were presenters that explained and demonstrated the functions of each of these body parts.  The students were impressed by the display. 

I want to send a public thank you to the parents that drove and to Mrs. McGarrh who stayed and took the tour with us.  You are greatly appreciated. 

We are excited about our Thanksgiving Holiday.  We prayed in teacher devotion this morning for every one that will be traveling.  Travel safe and see you on November 28th. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

November 11, 2011

The Book Fair has been a great success.  There are books everywhere and the children are excited about reading.  Thank you!!!!!!

The fourth graders are asked to donate cake mixes and rice for the food drive.  I will be giving the students a bonus grade in social studies for donations.  You may also make a monetary donation.  Make checks out to DSU.  All donations need to be made by next Thursday, November 17th.
Thank you to everyone for being so prompt in returning the Original Art Work orders.

Please check the page tabs for the test this week.

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7-11, 2011

     During the Book Fair students are encouraged to bring:
                  pennies on Monday
                  nickles on Tuesday
                 dimes on Wednesday
                 quarters on Thursday
                 dollars on Friday
     The class that has the highest total for the week gets and ice cream party.

     The fourth grade will be collecting cake mixes and rice for the Annual FamilyThanksgiving Dinner Project this year.  You may also make nomitary donations.  Make checks payable to Delta State University and in the memo sections write "AmeriCorps VISTA Family Volunteer Day Project. You may also donate an 8-10 pound turkey or ham.    

     The original Art Works magnets went home Tuesday, November 1st.  Orders are due November 11th.  If you are not making an order the magnet needs to be returned by that date.  If you want the magnet it is $6.00. 

     The students will be going to the BPAC next month.  Please send the $6.00 for the ticket as soon as you can.

Friday, November 4, 2011

November 4, 2011

      I am trying to do a better job of keeping the blog updated. 

     The original Art Works magnets went home Tuesday, November 1st.  Orders are due November 11th.  If you are not making an order the magnet needs to be returned by that date.  If you want the magnet it is $6.00. 

     The students will be going to the BPAC next month.  Please send the $6.00 for the ticket as soon as you can.

     The Book Fair is next week.  The students are excited about all the books and things they anticipate getting.  I want to thank you in advance for the books that are purchased from my wish list.  I still think I died and went to teacher heaven.  All of you are so generous. 

     The Veterans Day program was wonderful this morning.  I was so proud of the third and fourth graders standing when the anthems were played for each branch of service.  I personally want to thank all of you who are veterans and were not able to come to the service today.  Your courage and service are appreciated more than a one day ceremony can express.

     Please check the assignment page to see the test schedule for next week.  It seems like a lot of testing for one week, but most of them are short skill tests.

Friday, October 28, 2011

American Village Trip

                                           Memories of our trip to Montevallo, Alabama!

We had a wonderful trip to the American Village.  A big Thank You to all parents that made this such a successful trip.  I think that the students learned a lot.

The students also took a short trip to the art exhibit at the Ellis Thursday to view the work of S. Britt.  They were impressed by the color change depending on the amount and direction of the light.  Truly awesome.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

October 24, 2011

        We are anxiously awaiting our trip to the American Village. 

       Since we will be gone half the day Tuesday and and all day
       Wednesday I have not planned any test other than spelling. 

      We will still have our Bible verse to recite in chapel on Friday. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

October 14, 2011

Next week is a short week.  There will be no school Friday, October 21st.

The spelling practice test will be on Wednesday as usual but the final test will be on Thursday.

We have a long memory verse this week, Ephesians 6: 6-9.

Friday, October 7, 2011

October Social Studies News

Dear Parents,

       I have gotten the resource packet that goes with the new social students books.  I am sending home today a summary of chapter 3 lessons 1 and 2.  After the test next week please let me know if you think they were beneficial.

     Since we have a chapter 3 test next week I have written the answers to chapter 3, lessons 1 and 2 for the students.  I will give them a printed copy of the questions for lesson 3 next week to write the answers on after we have gone over the material in class. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

We celebrated International Walk to School Day!

 International Walk to School Day! PDS students walked around   the DSU football stadium and released gold and green balloons .

October 5, 2011

Wow!!  What an awesome celebration of National Walk to School Week.  The fourth graders walked with Mrs. Wood to and around the Delta State football field.  (I had to ride over.)  Everyone was excited and smiles were to be seen everywhere.  Even the K-3 class walked to the football field and did exercises while the rest of the school walked around the field.  Then everyone released their balloons and watched them soar off into the air. 

I want to thank all the parents, teachers, and others that helped to make this a special fun day for our children.  God bless you all richly for all you do each day.  You are truly appreciated.

Friday, September 30, 2011

September 30, 2011

Dear Parents,

     We have had a wonderful time learning our square dance for the Western Ho Down.  Everyone did great and had so much fun Tuesday night. 

     In the classroom we have finished chapter 2 in social studies and took the test today.  Again the test was difficult for the students.  However, I want to assure you that the students are given enough class work and other projects to off set that test grade.  A poor test grade will not mean a poor report card. 

      Next Wednesday the students will participate in a walk to Delta State to release balloons.  The walk will be around 10 A.M. and classes will resume when they return.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 15, 2011

The fourth grade has taken their first social studies test from the new textbook.  I will be able to discuss this test in more detail with you as you come for report card conferences next week.

We also had a great day yesterday with our spirit week supporting the Green Bay Packers.  We have attached pictures of the class.  It was a wild fun break from class.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6, 2011

     Can you believe that the six week is nearly over????   The class has settled in and have been busy at work. 

     We are coming up on our first test in Social Studies.  The test will be Thursday on chapter 1.  The students should study all the review questions, lesson reviews (those have graphic organizers), workbook pages, and map skill we have done in class.  I want to remind you that since this is a new textbook with a strong reading skills basis that the first two or three tests may be difficult for some of the students.  Do not get discouraged.  As the students see what types of questions will be asked they will learn what they need to study.  I am confident that most of the students are ready for this challenge and will do well.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Welcome Back

Can you believe that the summer went by so fast and  a new school year has begun?    
This year the third and fourth grades are doing something new.  Mrs. Norman is teaching math, Mrs. Waldbieser is teaching science, and I am teaching social studies to all third and fourth graders.  Each homeroom teacher is teaching reading, spelling, and language to her homeroom. 

Today is Open House at PDS.  I look forward to meeting all of you tonight. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Last week of 4th grade!

I still can't believe that next week is the last week of school! This year has gone by way too fast! Here is our schedule for next week:

Monday- 3K Program 8:30 in the Gym

Tuesday- 6th grade Honors Day 8:30- Chapel     6th grade graduation- 6:00 - Chapel

Wednesday- 4K Program 8:30 in the Gym

Thursday- 5K Program 8:30 in the Gym

Friday- LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!  Awards Day- 8:30- Chapel

Dismissal is at 10:30 on Friday, and there will be no after-school program as well.

Have a great weekend! See you on Monday!

May Day Play Day Pictures!

Here are some pictures from May Day Play Day, last Friday! The weather was absolutely perfect, and we had a wonderful day! Thank you so much to the parents for all your help! A great time was had by all!

Practicing before the reace!

Twin day!

Limbo! How low can you go?!


Gold Team winnners of May Day Play Day 2011! Go Gold!
And great job Green Team!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Today, we finished our chapter about Geometry by taking our chapter test. Believe it or not, I think we actually might have enjoyed it a little bit! :)  We are now beginning our study on Area and Perimeter. We are finishing up our novel, Survival Flood, and will be finished with the novel next week. We will have a test of chapters 13-15, next Friday, May 13th.

   We have enjoyed Spirit Week at PDS! Yesterday was camo day and today is sports day. Students were allowed to dress in their favorite team wear! Tomorrow is Twin Day, and Thursday is Tacky Day! It will be interesting to see how everybody dresses up!

Just a reminder, this Friday, May 6th is May Day Play Day! Information about this will be going home in today's folder.  Lets pray for nice weather on Friday,and no rain! 

Here are some pictures taken in Math class this week. We studied coordinate geometry, and got to make our own graphs, as well as points on graph that made the letters, PDS! Math can be fun!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It is hard to believe we only have a few weeks left of school! This school year has gone by way too fast! I know I can speak for Ms. Roberts, when I say it has been a true blessing for the both of us to have been able to teach your children this year! I have enjoyed every minute of it!

Next Friday, May 6th, is May Day Play Day!!  Please make sure your child wears their green or gold shirt to school that day.  A note on a blue paper went home today with more information concerning May Day Play Day. Please check your child's folder for this information.  In regards to this day, we have dress up days for each day next week.
Monday: Camo Day
Tuesday: Sports Day
Wednesday: Twin Day
Thursday: Tacky Day      * Please make sure all costumes are appropriate for school!*

Dismissal next Friday will be at 1:00, there will be no after-school program on this day.

We are continuing to enjoy our studies in MS History. We are learning lots of new information about our state! The MS notebooks have been fun to look at! Great job on these notebooks!

In Reading, we are still reading, Survival Flood. This has been a good story in connecting our MS History! We will have a test this Friday on Chapters 11 and 12. 

I hope that you had a wonderful Easter holiday! HE IS RISEN!! In Mrs. Norman's class, before the break, we watched the movie, The Greatest Story Ever Told. We really enjoyed this movie, and had good discussions about the life of Jesus and the wonderful he was for us.  I think out of all the movies we have seen, this was our favorite.

Here are some pictures from our field trip to Jackson and from before Easter break.  Many thanks again to all the parents that went on this trip! The weather was perfect and we had a wonderful time!!

~ Mrs. Norman & Ms. Roberts

At our reptile show at The Natural Science Museum

A picture of what an old school house would look like, at the MS Agriculture Museum!

Ms. Robert's class Easter Crosses