Friday, February 25, 2011

Highlights from this month and RACE TO WIN!!

BRAVO!!!! BRAVO!! To the 4th graders for doing a wonderful job in the play this morning! Our play was, Race To Win, with a  Nascar theme all about having faith and believing in Jesus! It was a wonderful play , and we are so proud of our students! Thank you to parents, grandparents, and families coming to support our 4th graders and school! We hope you enjoyed our program as much as we did!

Due to the play, we have put reading our book, Survival Flood  on hold. We will resume reading the novel on Monday with Chapter 6.  In Science, we will begin talking about weather.We also have been enjoying learning about Mississippi History! On the Projects tab, you can see the time line for the MS History Notebook. Our first assignment for the notebook is due next Friday!  On Monday, the 4th grade will go to the BPAC to watch the Harlem Gospel Choir! We are sure it will be a great performance!

It is hard to believe that February has come to an end. This month as gone by so fast. We are looking forward to Spring weather and all that March has to bring! Here are some highlights from the month! Have a blessed weekend!

~ Mrs. Norman & Ms. Roberts

Valentine's Day Party! Banana Splits

MAIS Art Winners!

RACE TO WIN!!! 4th Grade Play

Playing piano in Music class!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Busy week at PDS!

Whew! So much going on at PDS this week! We have had a wonderful, but busy week! On Monday, 4th-6th grades had the PDS Spelling Bee! Congratulations to all of our great spellers! You did a terriffic job! On Tuesday, we had a guest speaker come to Mrs. Norman's room to talk to both classes about Arbor Day, and the importance of taking care, and planting trees. Mr. Byrd, from the Mississippi Forestry Commission, gave an interesting presentation, and we completed trivia questions about trees and the enviroment. We also watched a video about the history of Arbor Day. We very much enjoyed his visit, and learning about trees.

On Tuesday evening, we had Taste of PDS in our gym.  Every grade did a fantastic job preparing yummy food and decorations that was enjoyed by friends and family of PDS. A great time was had by all! Thank you to all the moms that made it such a wonderful evening! Special thanks to Mrs. Rinks and Mrs. Tarver for getting our 4th grade tables looking so nice!

Lastly, today was cut short by SNOW!  We dismissed at 1:00 today due the snow that started coming down rather quickly! Needless to say, it has been an exciting week so far at PDS!

~ Mrs. Norman & Ms. Roberts

Learning about cominations with color cubes in Math!
Spelling Bee!

Congrats to 4th grade Spelling Bee winners, Caleb & Elizabeth!

Arbor Day Presentation! Prizes included!
On Tuesday, Coach Clark came to our rooms to do Stack Cups!