Friday, September 30, 2011

September 30, 2011

Dear Parents,

     We have had a wonderful time learning our square dance for the Western Ho Down.  Everyone did great and had so much fun Tuesday night. 

     In the classroom we have finished chapter 2 in social studies and took the test today.  Again the test was difficult for the students.  However, I want to assure you that the students are given enough class work and other projects to off set that test grade.  A poor test grade will not mean a poor report card. 

      Next Wednesday the students will participate in a walk to Delta State to release balloons.  The walk will be around 10 A.M. and classes will resume when they return.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 15, 2011

The fourth grade has taken their first social studies test from the new textbook.  I will be able to discuss this test in more detail with you as you come for report card conferences next week.

We also had a great day yesterday with our spirit week supporting the Green Bay Packers.  We have attached pictures of the class.  It was a wild fun break from class.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6, 2011

     Can you believe that the six week is nearly over????   The class has settled in and have been busy at work. 

     We are coming up on our first test in Social Studies.  The test will be Thursday on chapter 1.  The students should study all the review questions, lesson reviews (those have graphic organizers), workbook pages, and map skill we have done in class.  I want to remind you that since this is a new textbook with a strong reading skills basis that the first two or three tests may be difficult for some of the students.  Do not get discouraged.  As the students see what types of questions will be asked they will learn what they need to study.  I am confident that most of the students are ready for this challenge and will do well.