Friday, October 28, 2011

American Village Trip

                                           Memories of our trip to Montevallo, Alabama!

We had a wonderful trip to the American Village.  A big Thank You to all parents that made this such a successful trip.  I think that the students learned a lot.

The students also took a short trip to the art exhibit at the Ellis Thursday to view the work of S. Britt.  They were impressed by the color change depending on the amount and direction of the light.  Truly awesome.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

October 24, 2011

        We are anxiously awaiting our trip to the American Village. 

       Since we will be gone half the day Tuesday and and all day
       Wednesday I have not planned any test other than spelling. 

      We will still have our Bible verse to recite in chapel on Friday. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

October 14, 2011

Next week is a short week.  There will be no school Friday, October 21st.

The spelling practice test will be on Wednesday as usual but the final test will be on Thursday.

We have a long memory verse this week, Ephesians 6: 6-9.

Friday, October 7, 2011

October Social Studies News

Dear Parents,

       I have gotten the resource packet that goes with the new social students books.  I am sending home today a summary of chapter 3 lessons 1 and 2.  After the test next week please let me know if you think they were beneficial.

     Since we have a chapter 3 test next week I have written the answers to chapter 3, lessons 1 and 2 for the students.  I will give them a printed copy of the questions for lesson 3 next week to write the answers on after we have gone over the material in class. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

We celebrated International Walk to School Day!

 International Walk to School Day! PDS students walked around   the DSU football stadium and released gold and green balloons .

October 5, 2011

Wow!!  What an awesome celebration of National Walk to School Week.  The fourth graders walked with Mrs. Wood to and around the Delta State football field.  (I had to ride over.)  Everyone was excited and smiles were to be seen everywhere.  Even the K-3 class walked to the football field and did exercises while the rest of the school walked around the field.  Then everyone released their balloons and watched them soar off into the air. 

I want to thank all the parents, teachers, and others that helped to make this a special fun day for our children.  God bless you all richly for all you do each day.  You are truly appreciated.