Friday, November 18, 2011

Landform Landscapes

The fourth grade class has been working on a mural for social studies of the different types of land forms.  They completed  the project this week and it is now displayed in the hallway outside our room.  The students did a wonderful job.

We had a awesome time at the Body Walk on Thursday.  We walked through the brain, mouth, stomach, small intestine, heart, lungs, muscles, bones and skin.  There were presenters that explained and demonstrated the functions of each of these body parts.  The students were impressed by the display. 

I want to send a public thank you to the parents that drove and to Mrs. McGarrh who stayed and took the tour with us.  You are greatly appreciated. 

We are excited about our Thanksgiving Holiday.  We prayed in teacher devotion this morning for every one that will be traveling.  Travel safe and see you on November 28th. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

November 11, 2011

The Book Fair has been a great success.  There are books everywhere and the children are excited about reading.  Thank you!!!!!!

The fourth graders are asked to donate cake mixes and rice for the food drive.  I will be giving the students a bonus grade in social studies for donations.  You may also make a monetary donation.  Make checks out to DSU.  All donations need to be made by next Thursday, November 17th.
Thank you to everyone for being so prompt in returning the Original Art Work orders.

Please check the page tabs for the test this week.

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7-11, 2011

     During the Book Fair students are encouraged to bring:
                  pennies on Monday
                  nickles on Tuesday
                 dimes on Wednesday
                 quarters on Thursday
                 dollars on Friday
     The class that has the highest total for the week gets and ice cream party.

     The fourth grade will be collecting cake mixes and rice for the Annual FamilyThanksgiving Dinner Project this year.  You may also make nomitary donations.  Make checks payable to Delta State University and in the memo sections write "AmeriCorps VISTA Family Volunteer Day Project. You may also donate an 8-10 pound turkey or ham.    

     The original Art Works magnets went home Tuesday, November 1st.  Orders are due November 11th.  If you are not making an order the magnet needs to be returned by that date.  If you want the magnet it is $6.00. 

     The students will be going to the BPAC next month.  Please send the $6.00 for the ticket as soon as you can.

Friday, November 4, 2011

November 4, 2011

      I am trying to do a better job of keeping the blog updated. 

     The original Art Works magnets went home Tuesday, November 1st.  Orders are due November 11th.  If you are not making an order the magnet needs to be returned by that date.  If you want the magnet it is $6.00. 

     The students will be going to the BPAC next month.  Please send the $6.00 for the ticket as soon as you can.

     The Book Fair is next week.  The students are excited about all the books and things they anticipate getting.  I want to thank you in advance for the books that are purchased from my wish list.  I still think I died and went to teacher heaven.  All of you are so generous. 

     The Veterans Day program was wonderful this morning.  I was so proud of the third and fourth graders standing when the anthems were played for each branch of service.  I personally want to thank all of you who are veterans and were not able to come to the service today.  Your courage and service are appreciated more than a one day ceremony can express.

     Please check the assignment page to see the test schedule for next week.  It seems like a lot of testing for one week, but most of them are short skill tests.