Friday, January 20, 2012

January 20, 2012

Dear Parents,
    Wednesday, January 25th is the Science Fair.  The gym will be open Tuesday afternoon so you can set up their projects early.  I will check the gym before I leave and give the students that have set up early an bonus 100 grade in social studies. Those who set up on Wednesday morning need to do so before 8:00.  I will not let any of the students leave the room after 8 o'clock because they will be taking their math test before they go to the science fair.   After the science fair students will finish the math test and take the spelling practice test.  The remainder of the afternoon will be play practice.

     So far most of the students know their lines but really need to work on the action that goes with each part.    We have most of the props that we need for the play already in the classroom.  We do need a few smaller size pillows, and everyone except the doctors will need a SMALL suitcase or travel bag.  We will keep these in the classroom prop box.  We will have dress rehearsal Wednesday (1:00 to 2:50) in the gym with Mrs. Jackson. 

    Most of the students will need to wear a PDS t-shirt, a nice pair of jeans (with a belt).  The doctors will wear jeans (with a belt) and a plain shirt of some sort.  We will have white lab. coats for the doctors. 

   Until after the play Friday morning we will do what I have in the REN Web lesson plans on what ever day and time that we can.  Friday after the play should be back on the normal schedule.

    January 31st is the spelling bee in the Chapel. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

January 13, 2012

Just a reminder that there will be no school on Monday, January 16th.  It is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. 

I also wanted to let everyone know that on Tuesday the fourth grade will begin practicing for the play on January 27.  We are using our reading time for these practices.  So this six week will will be shorter on the number of grades than what I normally have.  Please let your children know how important it is to do well on what we will be grading.  We will not have time to redo papers.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3, 2012

Dear Parents,

     Happy New Year!!!!   I hope your Christmas holidays were a great as mine.

     Just a few reminders for this month.

     January 27th the fourth grade will be presenting their play during chapel.  Mrs. Jackson and I are in the final stages of assigning parts.  Your child should have this by Friday. 

     January 31st the students will be going to Indywood to sing.  We will need drivers for that morning. 
      In reading class we have begun a new book titled  "Survival Flood."  This is a story about the 1927 flood.  If any of you have photographs or know of an exhibit of the 1927 flood please let me know so we can share this with all the students.

     Due to the Christmas holidays report cards and Tuesday folders will be coming home Thursday.