Friday, March 30, 2012

March 30

Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for a wonderful trip to the state capitol last week.  A special thank you to all who drove.  The children had a wonderful time and I think they learned a lot.  We truly have a beautiful capitol building and a rich history.  I hope to have pictures posted soon.

The entire class worked very hard on the achievement tests this week.  If their scores reflect how hard they worked they should do well. 

Next week is Holy Week.  We will have chapel each morning.  The fourth graders will be singing with the third grade during chapel on Wednesday.  I hope you can come to hear them.

Friday, March 9, 2012

March 9, 2012

Dear Parents,

      Today begins spring break.  I  pray that each of you have a safe and restful holiday.

      As you know we added a new student to our class.  HER name is Zoie.  I am sure after a week with us you have hear her name.  SO we now have 14 girls and 1 boy.

     Our Jackson trip is set for Friday, March 23rd.  Be looking for a letter Monday, March 19 about riding assignments.  Each parent is riding in the same car as their child. The students do NOT need any money for the trip except their spending money at the gift shop.  (10 or 15 dollars)  Only adults that are not driving will need $6.00 for the museum.  Please send the $6.00 by Tuesday, March 20th.

     I also want to remind you that the first part of the Mississippi Notebook project is due on Tuesday, March 20th.  A grade will be given each time the notebook is checked.    I have attached a copy of the guidelines and time line in the project page.