Friday, September 24, 2010

Great Week!

We have had a great week! We are so proud of our 4th Graders' good grades! Keep up the good work! Here are some pictures from our week. On Friday, in Mrs. Norman's class, we celebrated Ben Whalen's birthday! Mrs. Roberts' class, Trent LaMastus also had a birthday this week! Happy Birthday Trent!

The Trash Art projects turned out great! It was so neat to see all the different ways trash can be re-used! We have a very creative group! Nice work!

Please check our Bible Verse section for next week's verse! Have a wonderful and safe weekend!

~ Mrs. Norman & Mrs. Roberts

                                                               Happy Birthday Ben!
                                                                  MSU cupcakes!

                                                                  4th Grade Trash Art!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Birthdays & Crystal Trees!

We have had a fun and busy week, last week! We celebrated birthdays, and grew crystal trees in Science Lab with the help of Mrs. Whalen! We love going to Science Lab to learn many new, and interesting things! This week in lab, we talked about crystals, and how they form. As an activity, we made crystal trees! Both 4th grade classes participated in this and had so much fun! We also started reading, Tales of the 4th Grade Nothing by Judy Blume. Here are some pictures of our week! Enjoy!

                                                           Happy Birthday David Austin!
                                                             Happy Birthday Alyssa!

                                                 Having fun in Science Lab with Mrs. Whalen!

                                                    Watching our crystal trees grow!

                                                                 Our crystal trees!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Friday!

Here are some pictures from our week! In Math, we are learning about units of measurement. We measured the length of the 4th grade hallway! On Friday, we enjoyed our time at Chapel, Mr. Norman gave the homily  and visited our fourth grade classes! We went to Music class, where we played with rhythm sticks and hand bells!
     Next week, we will begin reading the book, Tales of the 4th Grade Nothing.  We are looking forward to reading the book together! Also, remember to work on your Trash Art Project for Science that is due next Friday. Details about the project can be found in the Project section of our website. Have a safe and wonderful weekend!

~ Mrs. Norman & Ms. Roberts

Measuring the 4th grade hallway!

Recording our measurements on the board

Having fun in Mrs.Jackson's music class!

Making music with hand bells!

Learning to read music!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Pages!

I have added a Bible Verse section to our blog! When you go to the main page of our website, you should see a tab for it on the top of the page. Click on it, and you should find this weeks bible verse. Here, I will post current and previous bible verses.  I also have updated the Project tab. I have included details about the upcoming Science project, Trash Art! Details about the project, will be coming home tomorrow, in their blue take home folders.
  Have a great day!
     ~ Mrs. Norman