Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Friday!

Here are some pictures from our week! In Math, we are learning about units of measurement. We measured the length of the 4th grade hallway! On Friday, we enjoyed our time at Chapel, Mr. Norman gave the homily  and visited our fourth grade classes! We went to Music class, where we played with rhythm sticks and hand bells!
     Next week, we will begin reading the book, Tales of the 4th Grade Nothing.  We are looking forward to reading the book together! Also, remember to work on your Trash Art Project for Science that is due next Friday. Details about the project can be found in the Project section of our website. Have a safe and wonderful weekend!

~ Mrs. Norman & Ms. Roberts

Measuring the 4th grade hallway!

Recording our measurements on the board

Having fun in Mrs.Jackson's music class!

Making music with hand bells!

Learning to read music!

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